Classroom Reveal (aka -Finally Finished!!)

computer lab classroom

I have been back in school for a month, but I just finally finished my room!

We have not started our Intervention blocks yet (state testing) and there was a bit of room shuffling but at last it is complete! I could not be more thrilled with how it looks! I absolutely love being in there and I think my students are going to enjoy it a lot as well.

computer lab classroom

This is my teaching area for my small groups.

computer lab classroom

Here is the chalkboard/bulletin board (it was a horrid bluish color) that I turned into a whiteboard  - this stuff is amazing, but it is definitely a two person job! It is a lot thicker than contact paper, so it is not as forgiving when you are applying it. I have used it for years and it washes off great, lasts all year and removes easily without wrecking the original surface. I have used it on brick walls, metal cabinets, wall dividers and chalkboards. 

The bulletin boards are covered with black contact paper and zebra duck tape. I LOVED using duct tape - it went on easily and I know that it will last, unlike the borders I used last year which fell down every other day!!

computer lab classroom
computer lab classroom

I run my Intervention period in the Workshop format. Last year I wrote the daily schedule for each grade on the board but it was a bit of a hassle, so I made a Daily Schedule Signs for each grade. 

computer lab classroom

 I laminated them so I can easily change them as need be. I think this will simplify my day a lot!

computer lab classroom
computer lab classroom

I like to have a lot of sentence starters displayed for my students to use for journal writing after they are done listening to, or reading computer stories, so I divided both sets up around the room so they can see them from wherever they are sitting. 

computer lab classroomcomputer lab classroom

computer lab classroomcomputer lab classroom

computer lab classroomcomputer lab classroom

computer lab classroomcomputer lab classroom

I redesigned all of my room labels to match the color scheme for this year too. I think my coworkers think I am insane but you all know how it is!

computer lab classroom
computer lab classroom

I love these shelves and baskets - I think they are going to make headphone storage for the computers a lot more accessible and neater! (I may be a bit of a neat freak!) They are also a great storage spot for journals and books (I even put a few bins on top of the macbook cart to store my things in!)

Lastly, I love my zebra lamps too, but most of all I love how each student has their own space and that I will be able to see everyone's computer from any angle! I cannot wait for my student's to see the room, I hope they are going to love it as much as I do!

If you would like to see my current classroom layout, click here!

*All links in this post are affiliate links.


  1. Congrats on finishing! I ma still a work in progress. LOL :) It looks fabulous.


  2. Thank you! I know how that work in progress thing feels and I love what you've done so far though!

  3. Hi! I'm just a random person that found you via Pinterest. Thanks for the information about the durability of the whiteboard contact paper! I was thinking of doing the same thing and just wanted some reassurance. Thanks for posting!

    1. You're welcome Crystal! It really does work great!

  4. I just thought of a question, if you don't mind: Do you have to replace it every year?

    1. Not necessarily, if it goes up nicely. I have one board that is still up in my school and I put it up 3 years ago. I had to switch rooms, but I left it up for the next teacher. I took this years down because it was too messy and had lifted a bit. I put it up myself which is never good. But if you have someone help you and take your time it can work out well, and last for a few years! It cleans really well too, anything that stains washes off with lysol wipes and magic erasers! :)

    2. Wow! Then it sounds like a really good option for converting an old chalkboard! Thanks so much; you have been amazingly helpful. Have a great school year :D.

    3. It really is! You're welcome! I hope you have a great year too Crystal!
