The Synonym Matching Game consists of 50 pairs of synonym cards, a total of 100 cards. Students can use these cards for Concentration, Matching or Go Fish. These cards help with building synonym vocabulary or reviewing the concept. This set also includes an Answer Key allowing students to play this game in small groups and correct their own work. They have two different colored designs on the back of the cards - a purple and black striped and a white and black striped. This allows you to divide the set in half for differentiating or for students who are just beginning to increase their synonym knowledge. The Synonym Matching Game is available at my
Tpt shop!
The Antonym Matching Game also consists of 50 pairs of antonym cards, a total of 100 cards. They can also be used for Concentration, Matching or Go Fish. The Answer Key is included, allowing students to play this game in small groups while correcting their own work. They have two different colored designs on the back of the each card - blue plaid and teal plaid. These cards are a great way to introduce more antonyms in your students vocabulary, or to practice and review the concept. The Antonym Matching Game is available at my
Tpt shop!
Ha, I just purchased your Sentence Starters yesterday and these are fab too! I'll put them in my wish list for next time I buy. LOL
Hehe, Thanks! :)