Ending Blends Games

ending blends game boards - 7 games to help reinforce tricky ending blends

I have always noticed, that when working on blends with my students I tend to focus on the beginning ones the most, when the ending blends are just as tricky!

I wanted to create a game that would help them to decode the these blends in a fun way!

This set includes 7 game boards:

  • lf/lt ending blends: ex: left, calf, gift, wolf and golf
  • lt/lp ending blends: ex: belt, gulp, salt, tilt and pulp
  • mp ending blends: ex: lump, camp, swamp, bump and grump
  • nd ending blends: ex: hand, blind, sand, fend and sound
  • nk/sk ending blends: ex: bank, task, flunk, pink and desk
  • nt ending blends: ex: slant, mint, tent, burnt and plant
  • and st ending blends: ex: roast, last, twist, frost and vest

I wanted to make specific boards for each sound combination so you can really focus in on the ones that are the trickiest for your class. There is a mix of long and short vowel sounds on all of these game boards.

There are rules of play, a score sheet for assessing, and a sample score sheet that helps your students understand how to fill it out included as well.

I also included gray scale copies of all the pages. These can be sent home for additional practice!

This set is available in my TpT shop!

Looking for more skill games for ELA centers? Check out this blog post!


  1. MEMEMEMEME! I need this MONDAY! My 18 EL first graders & my 10 EO Firsties need ALL the practice they can get! WE WOULD LOVE THESE!!!! :)
    Wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com 1stgradefireworks

  2. This would be perfect for my reading groups and centers. They need to learn ending blends in a fun, meaningful way!
