Working on Handwriting and Name Practice with K-1?

Learning how to form the letters in your first and last name correctly are important skills in K-1, and it needs to be practiced often.

customizable handwriting worksheets for K-1

To make this easier, I always use is a website that allows you to create customizable worksheets

They have pre-made sheets, but I start on the left with handwriting practice. 

Next, choose the style handwriting you prefer. allows you to choose which handwriting style works best for your students

Then, click on create custom handwriting worksheet. 

customize your students name tracers with handwriting

The next part is where you can choose a variety of options, the font type, letter style (dots or hollow), letter size and paper layout. 

I always use the medium for 1st grade, but the large is great for last names, or Kindergarten worksheets. 

easy customizable options for font, page layout and more on handwriting

When it is ready, just hint print.

a completed worksheet for your students name tracers with handwriting

When you are done, be sure to hit the return to my worksheet button, it will save all your settings so you can continue with the rest of your class!

finished handwriting tracers from handwriting

Then I just place the sheets into these dry erase pockets so my students can access them whenever they need to! 

*Amazon affiliate link, thanks for your support!

dry erase pockets for K-1 handwriting activitites

It took less than 20 minutes to make 2 versions of sheets for my class today. 

I made 2 versions: one with first and last names and a last name only paper for those who want to focus on their last names.

Hopefully this will save you some time this year!

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