Keeping this in mind, I knew I needed a whole day where our centers would be devoted to all things 100's. One thing that I needed was foam dice. A definite must have in Kindergarten, they are a lot more fun to roll and a lot quieter too!
To play this game they just need a dice and a set of erasers. They roll the dice and display that many erasers on the ten frame.
Some of my groups use 2 dice for an extra challenge. A few groups have tried predicting how many rolls it will take before they get to the bottom of the chart. It is always neat to see how they alter these activities to suit their own curiosities and interests.
We store our erasers in these plastic jars, it makes cleanup so much easier.
Counting Keys
There are 120 keys in this set - some students enjoy laying them out and counting. Others make patterns and then count each color. It is a great hands-on way to practice their counting skills!
120's charts dry erase
I found these dry erase 100's charts on Oriental trading and they are amazing! They have the numbers through 120 on one side and a blank 120's chart on the other side.
We have used these for whole group activities as well, but my students love racing each other to see who can fill in the most numbers first! I also leave a sand timer at the table so they can see how far they can get before the sand runs out!
Monthly 100's charts
At the end of the year they decorate the cover and I turn it into their own 100's book! I had them waiting at their seats on the last day of school last year. They all sat together in the morning flipping through the months and talking about how much better they had all gotten!
Dry erase 100's charts
The monthly 100's chart set includes these scaffolded hundreds charts. There are options for 1-25, 1-50, 1-75 and 1-100.
This allows you to slowly challenge your class as the year move forward. Each sequence has 5 different scaffolded sheets that challenge them to fill in the missing numbers. The pre-filled boxes help to ensure that they stay on the right track.
This activity is similar to the eraser ten frame game, but we use blank 100's charts instead. They can choose either stamps or stickers and they roll their way to 100.
I have some students who take this one very seriously, and say each number as they place the stickers on the chart. It is a great way to practice one to one correspondence.
We play Build to 100 after our Problem of the Day and mini lesson every Tuesday. I have the cards divided up into sets of 22 (one for each student in class). They sit in a circle and try to build their way to the target number for the day.
We have 2 rules; one is that you cannot tell anyone when it is their turn and the other is that we have to do it before the time runs out. I let them choose the time they think it will take, I set it on my iPad, but I make sure to hide it from them so they don't get too distracted!
In the beginning of the year we build to 25, then around the November we build to 50. In January and February we build to 75 and then from March on we are building all the way to 100! I store the cards in sets of 25 in plastic containers so they can clean up easily when they are done.
After we have done this as a whole group, it sits out at the rug for them to try to complete in a small group. It is very neat watching them try to support each other in their individual counting goals.
Sticker to 100
I have some students who take this one very seriously, and say each number as they place the stickers on the chart. It is a great way to practice one to one correspondence.
Build to 100
We have 2 rules; one is that you cannot tell anyone when it is their turn and the other is that we have to do it before the time runs out. I let them choose the time they think it will take, I set it on my iPad, but I make sure to hide it from them so they don't get too distracted!
In the beginning of the year we build to 25, then around the November we build to 50. In January and February we build to 75 and then from March on we are building all the way to 100! I store the cards in sets of 25 in plastic containers so they can clean up easily when they are done.
After we have done this as a whole group, it sits out at the rug for them to try to complete in a small group. It is very neat watching them try to support each other in their individual counting goals.
Up next, part 4 - Buddy Games Wednesday!
What kind of 100's activities do you use in your classroom?
What kind of 100's activities do you use in your classroom?
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