When I taught 5th grade, my class and I had a lot of discussions about resolutions and goals for the new year. The biggest areas they needed to focus on was being responsible for their work and cleanliness.
I had a few students who always went above and beyond when it came to cleaning our room each day, and most times it wasn't even their mess they were cleaning! Of course, like all teachers, I had several students who misplaced work or frequently forgot to pass in assignments.
Rather than just having my students brainstorm a goal, I decided to make an organizer that would help them to gather their thoughts and self-assess to see what areas they need improvement in.
There are two checklists in this set - one for school goals and one for home goals. First they read through and check off any goals they have already met.
Next, they choose 1 goal that they did not check off. If they have more than one, they will look closely to see which is the most important to them at this time.
Included are 2 graphic organizers, one with a sentence starter and one without.
Lastly there are 2 writing templates; a template for 1 goal and a template for 2 goals. I always liked to differentiate writing assignments by giving my class the option of completing a graphic organizer, or a writing paper for their final copy.
My class really enjoyed this activity. It was a great way to help them to narrow down the areas of school and home that they needed to improve on.
If you are interested in purchasing this item you can find it in my shop
here, or just click on the pictures above!
Happy 2019!
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