Classroom Lego Table

lego table for classroom

Our Lego table is everyone's favorite part of our classroom!

I used Ikea's Lack side table, and it was very easy to put together!

Then I just used some Gorilla double sided mounting tape to secure four Lego baseplates to the table. I went with green and blue to have a grass and water area, which my students really enjoy!

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small chairs perfect for IKEA table

Then a few years back I found these amazing chairs on Amazon. They didn't have a weight limit listed but they have supported all the adults who have stopped by - of course getting out of them can be difficult as they are only 10 inches high!

I also have a wide collection of Lego baseplates in different colors so my students can grab them and build at their own seat as well!

How do you incorporate Lego activities into your classroom?

Have you seen our puzzle table? Click here to read about it!

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