
Welcome to Fashion Craze Learning Days!

My name is Melissa, and I teach 1st grade!

I started my teaching career supporting grades K-5 through pull-out services in literacy and math. 

After nine years, I learned so much - including how important games are for solidifying phonics and math concepts. 

My students love the cooperative learning aspect, and I love how easy it is to differentiate with them. I have some students use words in a sentence, while others will write a sentence using the word.

After that, I taught Kindergarten for six years. I loved Kindergarten and taught using play-based methods, exploration, and hands-on learning.

A few years back, I had the chance to loop with my Kindergarten class to first grade. It was the best decision I ever made! My students and I got another wonderful year together, and I found out how much I love teaching first grade, and I have been teaching it since!

Most recently, my focus has been working on enhancing the CKLA Amplify Knowledge lessons for my first graders. Check out my series on adding more engagement to your lessons and celebrations!

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